Error when creating a new Web Application in Visual Studio 2013

It is possible that you encounter the following error when trying to create a new Web Application in VS 2013:

Could not add all required packages to the project. The following packages failed to install from ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Stack 5\Packages’: jQuery.1.10.2 : Failed to initialize the PowerShell host. If your PowerShell execution policy setting is set to AllSigned, open the Package Manager Console to initialize the host first. Modernizr.2.6.2 : Failed to initialize the PowerShell host. If your PowerShell execution policy setting is set to AllSigned, open the Package Manager Console to initialize the host first.

After some searching on the Internet, I thought it was related to the powershell execution policy. I tried modifying it with no success regarding the project creation. Then I started rolling-back all the changes I made to my installation since a few days.
I uninstalled the last update to Web Essentials 2013 for Update 4 and it started working again. I am not sure what happened exactly, but at least I was able to create a Web Application again.


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